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Ph.D. opportunities
We are actively seeking Ph.D. applicants interested in modeling enhanced rock weathering and carbon cycling on land by integrating numerical modeling and data science.
Required/preferred qualifications:
Postdoctoral opportunities
EAR Postdoctoral Fellowships
EAR Postdoctoral Fellowships (EAR-PF) supports independent postdoctoral research and professional development in research areas supported by the Division of Earth Sciences. For more information: NSF Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships OCE-PRF Supports independent postdoctoral research on any topic supported by the Division of Ocean Sciences and provides professional development with a focus on developing mentoring skills to broaden participation of underrepresented groups in STEM. For more information: |
Master opportunities
We are also actively recruiting Master students focused on understanding the global carbon cycle using numerical modeling and data science. We strongly encourage prospective students to reach out to Dr. Shuang Zhang by [email protected] to learn more about opportunities in our research group.
Undergraduate opportunities
We always welcoming undergraduate students to join our team. This presents a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in cutting-edge research focused on global carbon and biogeochemical cycles, including initiatives on Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) and climate change mitigation. By participating, students can enroll in OCNG 291 class, allowing them to earn academic credits while contributing to real-world scientific exploration.